How to Deal with Orthodontic Emergencies Before you can Get to the Orthodontist

Orthodontic emergencies should not be ignored and should be taken care of in the right way. Not all dental conditions are the same. Ignoring signs of pain, bleeding and numbness near the root of the teeth can lead to an emergency such as bleeding and unbearable pain.

The first preventative measure is to maintain a healthy dental hygiene and visit the dentist on a monthly or bi-monthly basis. Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing can make a world of difference when it comes to maintaining or enhancing your oral health.

Here are a few examples of dental emergencies and what you can do before you reach your dentist or orthodontist.

1. Extreme Toothache

orthodontistWhen experiencing severe toothache, immediately rinse your mouth with warm water and then apply a cold compress or frozen gel-pack to the outside of your mouth. Do not, in any case, put painkillers near the aching tooth as it may lead to burnt gum-tissue.


2. Chipped Tooth

If one of your teeth chips, rinse your mouth with warm water and keep the chipped pieces with you. If you experience bleeding keep a gauze or damp cotton ball on the area until the bleeding stops. Immediately visit the doctor in cases of bleeding. Apply a cold press to the outside of the mouth where the chipped and bleeding tooth is.

3. Partially Dislodged Tooth

This can be very uncomfortable and in some cases very painful. Apply a cold compress outside your mouth and take a mild painkiller until you reach your dentist.

4. Dislodged Filling

Fillings are temporary and hold up to a certain amount of time. If one of your fillings falls out, take a sugar-free piece of gum chew it a little and lodge it into the cavity. Immediately see your dentist for further measures.

5. Dislodged Crown

best orthodontistIf the crown of your tooth falls off, apply a little clove oil to the affected area with a cotton swab until you reach your dentist. Try to bring the crown with you to the dentist. Clove oil is easily available in any spice or grocery store. Till you are able to reach your doctor, you can put the crown back into place with an over-the-counter tooth adhesive or toothpaste. Do not force the crown back onto the tooth if it doesn’t go on easily.

6. Broken Braces

broken bracesBroken braces can be extremely harmful to your cheeks and may even result in bleeding and can also tear the soft tissue inside your cheeks. If the wires poke out try using a clean cotton swab to position them in at a comfortable angle or try covering the sharp end with orthodontic adhesive or wax until you see your dentist.

7. Soft Tissues

Soft tissues in the mouth can get easily damaged. To prevent further damage rinse your mouth with mildly salty water, use a slightly damp gauze or tea bag to hold at the affected area and apply a cold press to the outside positioning it against the exact affected area. See your orthodontist immediately.

Orthodontic Emergencies: Bottom Line

Don’t hesitate or procrastinate when it come to dental complications and contact us today to schedule an appointment with the best Orthodontist in New York.

Make the right decision and call the best orthodontist in NYC.
Contact us at 646-760-8028 to schedule a consultation.


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